Environmental and Sustainability Policy


Our Environmental and Sustainability Policy statement serves as both internal communication within our organization and external communication to our customers and suppliers.

At Health Choices Global Limited, we are committed to taking a leading role in minimizing the environmental impact of our activities. Our strategy to achieve this goal focuses on the following key points:

Waste Minimization: We continuously evaluate our operations to ensure maximum efficiency and minimize waste generation.

Emission Reduction: We carefully select and use our fleet and power sources to minimize toxic emissions.

Recycling Promotion: We actively promote recycling practices internally and encourage our customers and suppliers to do the same.

Sustainable Product Range: We source and promote a product range that minimizes the environmental impact of production and distribution.

Compliance with Environmental Legislation: We strive to meet or exceed all environmental regulations applicable to our company.

    The advancements in technology, such as broadband internet, smartphones, and cloud computing, have made remote work highly effective. Embracing remote work, or homeworking, brings significant environmental benefits by reducing employee commuting, resulting in carbon, cost, and time savings. It also enables a reduction in office energy consumption and rental costs when office spaces are rationalized accordingly.

    Virtual Mental Health Support, provided through our national service, positively impacts the environment due to the following reasons:

    Rationalized Office Space: By having a skilled workforce across the country, we ensure that patients have access to the best care regardless of their location, reducing the need for extensive office spaces.

    Paperless Office: Our teams utilize the appropriate communication equipment and a secure Patient Management System, enabling a paperless workflow that supports recovery pathways.

    Commitment to Environmental Impact: Our senior management team is dedicated to minimizing our carbon footprint and having a positive environmental impact.

    Reduction of Commutes: Virtual services significantly reduce employee commuting, leading to cost, time, and environmental benefits, especially when long commutes are predominantly by car rather than public transport.

    Comfortable Working Environment: Delivering services to patients in their chosen environment enhances their experience and comfort, contributing to their well-being.

    Carbon Footprint Reporting: We conduct an annual report on our carbon footprint and regularly monitor our progress towards achieving carbon neutrality goals.


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